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Working with Feminism
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Working with Feminism

Artiklikogumik, mille autorite hulka kuuluvad nii Ida- kui ka
Lääne-Euroopas töötavad kunstiteadlased ja kuraatorid, peegeldab
kasvavat huvi feministliku kureerimise kui praktika vastu, mida
iseloomustab eripärane rahvusülene ajalugu ja poliitika. Enamiku
Ida-Euroopa riikide puhul saab feministlikust kuraatoripraktikast ja
näitustest hakata rääkima alates 1990. aastatest, mil selle tekke
tegid võimalikuks radikaalsed muudatused kunstielus ja -ideoloogias
ning mida tingisid postsotsialistliku üleminekuaja muutused ja
Mitu artiklit uuribki seda ajalugu rahvuslike või regionaalsete
juhtumiuuringute kaudu. Sama olulist rolli mängivad kogumikus
teoreetilisemad käsitlused, mille eesmärgiks on mõtestada feministliku
ja teiste poliitiliselt laetud kuraatoripraktikate (nt
queer-kureerimise) praegust olukorda ja tulevikuperspektiive.

This edited collection, bringing together art historians and curators working both in the ‘East’ and the ‘West’ of Europe, is a result of a growing interest in the theorisation and historical analysis of feminist curating as a distinct practice with its own transnational history and politics.

In most former state-socialist countries of Eastern Europe, the emergence and public visibility of feminist curating and exhibitions usually dates back to the 1990s and is associated with the radical transformation of art practices, ideologies and art systems as well as with wider socio-political and intellectual changes, and challenges, of post-socialist transition. This history, and its legacy, is addressed in this book through national and regional case-studies ranging from the Baltics to the Balkans.

An equally significant part of the book is dedicated to the present and future of feminist curating, as well as of other politicised forms of curatorial activities (e.g. queer curating). In addition to the theoretical or historical accounts presented, the collection includes two highly relevant interviews with curators: Bojana Pejic on the block-buster exhibition Gender Check (2009–2010) in Vienna and Warsaw; and Airi Triisberg and Rebeka Põldsam on Untold Stories (2011), the first international queer exhibition in Tallinn, Estonia.
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